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IGT to power Washington's Nisqually Red Wind Casino's sports betting offerings

IGT to power Washington's Nisqually Red Wind Casino's sports betting offerings submitted by yogonet1 to gamblingplanet [link] [comments]

IGT to power Washington's Nisqually Red Wind Casino's sports betting offerings

IGT to power Washington's Nisqually Red Wind Casino's sports betting offerings submitted by yogonet1 to u/yogonet1 [link] [comments]

Premiering Now!! Hanging Out with NeonVacation At Red Wind Casino / Big Wins on Buffalo Slot Machines!

Premiering Now!! Hanging Out with NeonVacation At Red Wind Casino / Big Wins on Buffalo Slot Machines! submitted by CommanderV2017 to CommanderVlogs [link] [comments]

We are the Nisqually Red Wind Casino, a tribal casino in Western Washington, and we will be doing an AMA on Thursday at 2 PM PST!


We'll put a link here for when the time comes!

EDIT: This will be hosted on the /iAMA subreddit, not on gambling. Just felt it was of interest to you guys :)
submitted by redwindcasino to gambling [link] [comments]

IGT Secures Multiple-Product Systems Agreement with Nisqually Red Wind Casino

IGT Secures Multiple-Product Systems Agreement with Nisqually Red Wind Casino submitted by prnewswireadmin to prnewswire [link] [comments]

Red Wind Casino Waterfall dealing with the cold!

Red Wind Casino Waterfall dealing with the cold! submitted by jeremycb29 to olympia [link] [comments]

Which casinos have restaurants that give good value for money, inside, or even outside, of Tacoma?

Red Wind Casino has Pepsi products in dispensers, scattered all around the casino floor. Free. Drink all you can.
submitted by longhegrindilemna to Tacoma [link] [comments]

NL warming up before golf, getting ready to start the wrong casino and backspin with 22 mph wind

NL warming up before golf, getting ready to start the wrong casino and backspin with 22 mph wind submitted by bobertoe66 to northernlion [link] [comments]

Question about redwind casino fireworks

Hi, so I'm sorry if this is a dumb question but my mom was wanting to go to the red wind casino in nisqually to watch the fireworks. I couldn't find anything online about it so I was wondering if you all could tell me if thats a good spot to watch them? If so what time would be best? Thank you in advance, I appreciate it.
submitted by captaincaptive to olympia [link] [comments]

We are a mid-sized tribal casino here to answer your questions, ask us anything!

We are the Nisqually Red Wind Casino, a mid-sized casino located on the Nisqually tribal lands near Olympia, WA. We'd like to invite you all to ask us questions about the casino, gambling, funny stories, or the tribe. Please keep the questions respectful, and knowing that some things we just aren't able to disclose, we will do our best to sate your inquiring minds!
We'll keep it going from 2 PM PST until you all run out of questions! (or 5 PM, whichever comes first)
*EDIT* Thank you everyone for your participation! We enjoyed the questions - hopefully we will do it again soon!
submitted by redwindcasino to IAmA [link] [comments]

Booster Terrik smuggler chief and captain of the largest red warning light in the galaxy, The mobile casino, smuggling den and Jedi refugee Star Destroyer Errant Venture. Artist is Augustine Gayer.

Booster Terrik smuggler chief and captain of the largest red warning light in the galaxy, The mobile casino, smuggling den and Jedi refugee Star Destroyer Errant Venture. Artist is Augustine Gayer. submitted by GrandAdmiralGrunger to StarWarsEU [link] [comments]

50 Cent at a private event @ APEX inside Red Hawk Casino tonight promoting his Cognac. He raced GoCarts with us too!

50 Cent at a private event @ APEX inside Red Hawk Casino tonight promoting his Cognac. He raced GoCarts with us too! submitted by Corvette-Ronnie to Sacramento [link] [comments]

Pretty sure I ran into Debbie (Coltee’s mom) at Red Rock casino in Vegas!

We were behind her in line at Starbucks and as soon as she spoke, it was her voice…but, did she recently get a nose job?? That’s the only thing that made me think maybe not. I wanted to ask but it’s not very flattering to say “you look like this old lady from TV!” Although I think recently Debbie has been looking nice. Took a creeper pic but I don’t want to post!
submitted by nikkisixx24 to 90dayfianceuncensored [link] [comments]

Mercedes: Red Bull’s 25 percent wind tunnel F1 deficit will bite

Mercedes: Red Bull’s 25 percent wind tunnel F1 deficit will bite submitted by moreice45 to formula1 [link] [comments]

[RB-01 Rising Wind] Red Memory Boost Alternate Art

[RB-01 Rising Wind] Red Memory Boost Alternate Art submitted by vansjoo98 to DigimonCardGame2020 [link] [comments]

Booster Terrik smuggler chief and captain of the largest red warning light in the galaxy, The mobile casino, smuggling den and Jedi refugee Star Destroyer Errant Venture. Artist is Augustine Gayer

Booster Terrik smuggler chief and captain of the largest red warning light in the galaxy, The mobile casino, smuggling den and Jedi refugee Star Destroyer Errant Venture. Artist is Augustine Gayer submitted by GrandAdmiralGrunger to TheDeepCore [link] [comments]

So I says 'Blue M&M, Red M&M... they all wind up the same color in the end!'

So I says 'Blue M&M, Red M&M... they all wind up the same color in the end!' submitted by BlackbeltJones to simpsonsshitposting [link] [comments]

What are your thoughts on Chuckya from Mario 64? I kinda miss this guy and want him to return. If he did, would his desgin be similar to a bob omb, with a wind up key and a red fuse cap?

What are your thoughts on Chuckya from Mario 64? I kinda miss this guy and want him to return. If he did, would his desgin be similar to a bob omb, with a wind up key and a red fuse cap? submitted by PeteyPiranhaOnline to Mario [link] [comments]

Four Winds Casinos to hold job fair for expanded Indiana casino this week

Four Winds Casinos to hold job fair for expanded Indiana casino this week submitted by yogonet1 to gamblingplanet [link] [comments]

Walking in the Dark

I haven’t contributed to /nosleep in a few months, so I decided to write up one of the scariest experiences in my life, inspired by this post.
Nothing supernatural happened and it was more of a funny teenage experience, but I still find it to be one of the most frightening things that has ever happened to me, and I’ve never felt more ‘connected’ or ‘real’ as I did that night. There’s quite a bit of back story, and I’m not the best writer or story teller, but people seem to have enjoyed my stories in the past!
Getting started…
It was early April, and I was on spring break – grounded. I had been stuck in my room with no computer, no phone, and nothing to do for several days. While my parents were at work I combed the house looking for my phone(no house phone), and found it at the bottom of a large vase in the hall (my mom knew she had to be creative  ). I immediately called my boyfriend, and we talked for several hours. We eventually decided that we NEEDED to see each other, so we came up with a plan for me to sneak out of the house that night. He and his brother would pick me up at the front of my housing development and take me down to his house, then drop me off back home later in the night.
I was never the kind of kid who’d break the rules, so I spent the rest of the day anxiously going back and forth as to whether I’d go through with my plan or not. That night my mom decided I could have my phone again, but I still felt angry and rebellious, and I still wanted to prove to my boyfriend that I could go through with it and break the rules.
I waited until about 12 for my family to go to bed, and I was finally comfortable to leave. I left through the front door, which was the first exhilarating moment of that night. The anticipation of my parents waking up or some neighbor seeing me run down the street got my heart pumping, but I eventually made it to the front of the development and was picked up. I hung out with my boyfriend until around 3:30 am, and he and his brother dropped me off at the end of the street.
Walking up to the house, I felt a great sense of accomplishment. I had done something that I’d never expected myself to do. I broke the rules. I quietly pulled open our screen door, and pushed in the handle of the front door. No dice. It was locked. I was screwed. The only option I had was to open the garage door, which would surely wake up Mom and Dad. Plus, the front door was locked, so I figured they KNEW I left.
At this point I had no idea what to do. I decided to try and go over to one of my girl-friend’s houses, because finding out that I snuck out and spent the night hanging out with one of them would probably be better than finding me at my non-confirmed boyfriend’s place. I repeatedly called their cell phones, but no one picked up. I snuck into two of my friend’s yards and knocked on their windows, but neither answered. I was freaking out, and felt exposed wandering the neighborhood where so many people knew me.
I called my boyfriend and told him what happened. Talking to him, I was only able to come up with one solution – we needed to run away. We were going to collect supplies from his house and live in the woods until things blew over. At this point, his brother was no longer home and couldn’t give me a ride, so I’d have to walk down the infamous Yelm Highway, and meet up with him. To give you guys an idea, this is approximately the route I had to take to get there. We’d done the walk before during the day and it took 2 ½ to 3 hours up or down either way. This road was surrounded by trees, and had only a few stoplights along the way. The road was windy, and although it was a ‘highway,’ it wasn’t widely used –especially at night. It scared the shit out of me.
With my cellphone at about ½ power, I started toward his house. The first 20 minutes or so of my walk were residential, and I felt safe under the street lights. This comfort was soon lost as I slowly went down the highway, into more wooded areas.
Cars would pass every ten minutes or so. I was afraid that I’d get hit, or some psycho would pick up and kill me. Still, their lights were comforting. My cellphone provided me with a little light, but seemed to quickly run out of power. I figured I’d have to walk for maybe an hour and a half before my boyfriend and I cross paths. As long as I made it that far, I thought I’d be fine.
45 minutes in is when I began to feel my mind deteriorate. I still slept with a nightlight, yet I was walking down this crazy ass dark wooded road, alone, at 4am. All I can say is thank god slender man wasn’t around yet, otherwise I’d probably have curled up into a ball and died.Besides the occasional car, it was totally silent and totally dark. Thoughts were streaming through my head, and I was sure something was going to get me. I remember singing Bob Marley songs, in a weird attempt to comfort myself. Cars were becoming more and more infrequent, and things around me were not recognizable at all.
Eventually I go to a bridge (and thought to myself bridge wtf?) because I didn’t remember there being one. The bridge was short (and I later found out it was an overpass for a train route), and as I was crossing a car came up beside me and slowed down. It was a blue sports car, and a man inside asked me if I needed a ride. This is probably my most vivid memory of the night, because I still can’t remember his face. Anyways, I quickly declined and he drove off.
After he left, another car didn’t come by for at least half an hour. I began to hear coyotes in the woods, and they sounded pretty damn close, I wished I took that ride. I was sure I’d be eaten, but I also knew I had to be close to meeting up with the bf – yet after walking another 45 minutes he was no where in sight. I had no signal, so I couldn’t call him. I wouldn’t be able to call for help if I was attacked, hell I couldn’t even call my parents to pick me up and take me home for punishment.
I forced myself to keep going, but I felt totally alone. I was so used to having someone carefully watching over me, making sure I was safe, making sure that everything was OK. I had abandoned the safety my parents provided and this was my punishment. I was just overwhelmed by the feeling of impending doom. I kept walking, yet no bf, no safety. I didn’t know if I should turn back, and I didn’t know if I should keep going. There had been several forks in the road, so maybe I took a wrong turn. I just kept going.
I eventually got to some road signs which I estimated to be a 20 minute walk to his house. The sense of relief was amazing. I came around the bend, there were flashing lights. The popo. A police officer approached me. He saw my boyfriend walking down the road and picked him up. My boyfriend told him he was coming to meet up with me, so he was on his way to find me too. He told me to get in the car, and then he looked up both our names, to make sure we weren’t criminals or runaways. He contacted my boyfriend’s mom and she just said to bring him home. I gave him my mom’s number and she ended up picking me up at Red Wind Casino.
Coming so close to ‘freedom’ and having it taken away SUCKED. Surprisingly, I didn’t get in much trouble for what I did. I think my mom understood how I felt, and what my motivation was. The rest of the break was uneventful, but I got to keep my phone and the internet was reconnected. Somewhat anticlimactic, but I will never forget that night.
submitted by ssyalc to nosleep [link] [comments]

Four Winds Casinos to hold job fair for expanded Indiana casino this week

Four Winds Casinos to hold job fair for expanded Indiana casino this week submitted by yogonet1 to u/yogonet1 [link] [comments]

From Casino to Studio: A Native American Tribe Bets Big on Hollywood: With production booming in New Mexico, the Tesuque Pueblo reservation converted its 1950s-era gambling destination into Camel Rock Studios, booking AMC’s 'Dark Winds' as its first high-profile project.

From Casino to Studio: A Native American Tribe Bets Big on Hollywood: With production booming in New Mexico, the Tesuque Pueblo reservation converted its 1950s-era gambling destination into Camel Rock Studios, booking AMC’s 'Dark Winds' as its first high-profile project. submitted by zsreport to television [link] [comments]

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